Critical Thinking
Free Resources
Stories With Holes - Students are presented with a story that doesn't quite make sense. They must ask yes or no questions to figure out what is really happening. Check difficulty and solutions to see which one will suit your students.
Try Stories with Holes logic with things like a map! Pick a state/country. Students ask yes or no questions to figure out the location. Example: Are you East of the Mississippi River? We try to do it in 8 questions, then 7, then 6, and so on.
Enrichment Rooms for Critical and Creative Thinking
3. Conference Time Choices - I wrote this article about providing students with free choice time, and I included lists of some of my favorite games and brainteasers!
Critical Thinking Units
Logic for Littles Part 1 and Logic for Littles Part 2 - Great intro to deductive thinking for grades K-2.
Socratic Smackdown - I typically use this with grades 4+. Basically a gamified way to debate and discuss topics.
4 wonderful starting discussions to try!
Philosophy Unit - This unit encompasses a lot of different standards. Very fun unit for grades 5-8 to get them thinking about various philosophical scenarios.
Strategy Game Design Unit - Student go through mechanics, theme, conflict, and prototyping their own board games. I created a Strategy Game Design Slideshow, so all the resources were in one place.
Bell Ringers
Erich Friedman Puzzles - Older site, but it will keep students busy for hours! Or check out the Puzzle Palace or Math Magic from the same author.
My District GT Site - Puzzles, virtual rooms, and more for students in grades K-8.
Math Pickle - Amazing problems for grades K-12.
Balance Puzzles - Determine values to make the scale balanced. 3 difficulty levels, 200 puzzles, and you can build your own! Or see Who Am I? Puzzles from the same author.
Bell Ringer Problems - Slideshow with various types of problems. Grades 4-8.
Escape Rooms
Medieval Mayhem (Grades 3-5)
Adventuring Across America (Grade 4-6) Has social studies, simple math, & cipher practice.
Hogwarts (Grades 4-8)
Escape Boredom Room (Grades 5-8)
The Case of the Museum Mischief (Grades 5-8)
Or have students create their own escape rooms on a topic you're learning about!
Purchase Curriculum
Primary Education Thinking Skills (PETS™) - Now with an easier to use virtual formatting. Best for grades K-3. 24 lessons per book that will truly stretch students and get them thinking critically and creatively to solve complex problems.
2. Foundations for Thinking Curriculum - Looking for resources similar to PETS™ for grades 4-8? The Foundations for Thinking Curriculum covers convergent, divergent, visual, and evaluative thinking with engaging games and puzzles.
Samples - Lesson samples for grades 4 and 7.
3. Cooperative Problem Solving - I love cooperative problem solving games where each student is given a clue that helps solve the problem.
Group Solutions - Grades K-3
Group Solutions, Too - Grades K-3
Get It Together - Grades 4-12
United We Solve - Grades 5-10
4. Stories With Holes - Students are presented with a story that doesn't quite make sense. They must ask yes or no questions to figure out what is really going on. Typically, it is best to ask general questions and get more specific as you go and never make assumptions!