Social Studies Grades 1-2
Free Resources
Native Americans - Students study and compare various tribes, read and analyze Buffalo Before Breakfast, and create biographies and tribes. 8 tribe lessons, 5 Buffalo Before Breakfast lessons, as well as lessons for biographies and tribes for a total of about 15 sessions.
Civil War - Students study what life was like in the 1860's and 1870's, field hospitals, famous people of the Civil War, and more! About 15 sessions.
STEM Challenges for the Civil War Unit
3. Texas PSP
Grade 1 It's a Family Affair
Grade 2 Good Citizenship
Purchase Curriculum
ThinkLaw - Analyze real court cases. Great for ELA, social studies, and critical thinking! Have about a dozen free resources to try before you buy! Or, you can join the ThinkLaw Facebook group to see more free resources.